Writing. Even as I sit and type this morning remains as bitter -sweet as ever. Every time I stare at the blank page I am faced with choices. Shall I do some more research? Or that other thing first? Perhaps get another coffee? Time has taught me that this is my beloved creative process, once I learned to trust and let go, low and behold the fruit appeared.
How do we figure out our creative process? The only answer I can provide and seem to hear from many other authors is the same for life, though experience.
Great ideas and creativity live within us all. When we give ourselves permission to dive into that magic, we express them in their full glory. Musicians choose music, artists choose painting, writers choose words.
Sharing our way of doing things provides a melting pot of inspiration, and encouragement for others to share theirs. I know how important that encouragement is at times. It’s a precious pat on the back when the chips are down that you can push forward, you can do this, you have it in you, keep going.
Here are a few things about my creative process and some questions you can answer about your own.
1) The time I write
I figured out very early in life that I am a morning person. Coffee and movement spark my creative flow, nine to eleven is my creative peak. Some days I am typing ferociously, others words come slowly. I have learned that it’s better to write something even on the days I am not feeling it than abandon ship all together.
When do you feel most creative?
2) How I stay focused
I set myself a daily word count when I am working on a novel or article to give me the discipline to reach it. Something simple to look forward to, a bath, glass of wine, chocolate and a movie to keep me motivated to finish. Self- care and good sleep are vital to my creative soul.
What drives you?
3) Ideas and inspiration
Idea’s and inspiration are everywhere, they can arrive unexpectedly at any point of the day and I remain open to their delivery. I keep an idea book on my desk or in my handbag at all times so when they do, I am ready, some I keep, some I don’t, some sit for years marinating. I welcome them all.
Where do you feel most inspired?
4) Staying connected
Some writers can live all day in their imagination, as much as I love it up there, I engage in a full life. Travelling, conversation and trying new things, charge my creativity and keep it on fire. Life fuels my imagination, which is why I fill it with the people, energy and experiences that make that a place I want to be.
What’s your creative process? Get to know it, give yourself permission to enjoy it. Individuality is a gift to be shared.Imagine a world where every artist painted the same picture.
Happy writing.