The uncertainty surrounding everyones lives right now has stimulated a lot of fear, anxiety and chaos. It is impossible to completely switch our awareness of with our daily routines being forced to change. Remember we are all in this together, and we will pull through by supporting and choosing to focus on what we can do as opposed to what we can’t.
I want to share some of the things I have been choosing to focus on to stay creative and keep calm in the storm.
1)Connect with people good for your soul
Right now it’s more important than ever to be talking to people that make your soul dance, every single day. People that put a smile on your face, remind you about the good things in life, and inspire gratitude. Communication is a game changer, it can turn your day from dark to bright with one conversation. You know who those people are, so get dialling.
And for all of those spending a lot more time with partners, try and manage to get healthy time to yourself as well. The last thing we want this year is more divorces.
2) Learn, read, grow
Whats on your reading list right now? I hope it something that you can’t wait to jump into and makes you laugh, teaches you something, shares a new perspective and makes you feel good. I just finished Lisa Jewells latest novel, the family upstairs, which was a real page turner. It reminded me of the importance of family and how they fulfilled our lives in ways we take for granted.
What was the last movie you watched? Eat, Pray, Love was a recent one for me, it taught me that at the other side of fear is everything we ever wanted. The more we learn, the more we grow and books and movies are great teachers.
3) Write
My writing routine has provided me an anchor through every single chaotic time in my life, in fact chaos is what creates shifting perspectives, lessons and the inspiration that will later fill the pages. It is a place for me to stay focused and lose myself, the perfect balance.
In times ahead as a coach and author I want to reach out and offer as much support and encouragement for you all to tap into your creativity as I can.
Keep posted for all my tips and insights into how to hone your craft, keep your creative levels high and keep smiling. No matter what’s going on in the world right now, we can all keep calm and carry on writing
Sending love and positivity and hope to all,
Ashley x